Life Has Been Busy

Been a busy couple days and to be quite honest, it has been very nice and sunny and warm outside. Which means I didn’t want to be inside behind a laptop or computer.

Guess what though? I just passed a year on WordPress.  I can not believe it has been a year since I started this venture. I pray God has used the words He has given me, and the ones I snuck in on my own, to touch you, the readers.

Thank you for the encouragement and comments.

Today, I will put a link to my very first blog here.  Since most of you didn’t start reading my posts until well after this one.

Hope you enjoy.

The music thing with Lily hasn’t turned out like I hoped but when one door closes, God will open another.


I’m an introvert

8 thoughts on “Life Has Been Busy

  1. marijo1245

    I meant to ask you how long you had been at this! Now I know. Must have read my mind! See how well you connect with your audience!

    In the few short weeks I have been in your blogoshpere, your words have influenced me greatly. You had my attention when I heard you pray in run on sentences to God like I do. You’ve evoked memories, helped to make new ones, I’ve laughed and I’ve cried. Thank you for letting God run your life…from the bottom of my heart thank you for sharing!!

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