Move With Me Now- from the Loop

Sorry readers, been a busy week. I have a lot of stuff half written or titles down to write on but just couldn’t seem to find the time this week. Today I will just share a post from the Loop.  Hope you enjoy. I will try to be back next week with several posts.

Move with Me Now


“In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14).


I am moving. I am moving in you and I won’t ever stop. You can’t stop Me, and that’s a promise for you, my girl. I pursue you and I never tire and I fight on behalf of your heart—your complete self—the full you I created and have always designed you to be. I’m not done with you yet, my darling.


Don’t lose hope. Hang tightly to my promises, the Word-come-down who breathes peace to you and guides you along the rocky paths. I have a way for you. I have a place for you to lay your head and know you are seen and know you are wanted and desired.


I have made you to be loved. I have made you to give Me glory. I have made you to receive my promises and my good plans—and to follow the path so that others may see the path and have the hope that is yours, too.


Behold Me, my love. Behold Me and never be the same. Behold Me and stop making excuses for not measuring up and being tired and waiting for things to get better before you can surrender to Me fully. What is the road map, my darling? What is the road map to Me?




He is beautiful. And you know Him. You know His name.


So watch how He moves. Heed the Spirit I leave with you. Know you are never alone. . .  For I want you to live like you know who I am. And I want you to live like you know who you are. And I want you to live like you know this life I’ve given you is for the purpose of you being blessed by my love.


My love is for you. I am for you. Move with Me now. See Me moving and move with Me now. This is what you were meant, always, to do.

You Are Loved by Stars Go Dim – 

Beloved Child by Tru-Serva (feat Jeff Deyo) – 

Beloved by Jordan Feliz – 

6 thoughts on “Move With Me Now- from the Loop

  1. Pingback: I Was Going To Change The World – My God, My Music, My Life

    1. thanks Pam, that means a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I didn’t post again would anyone notice. Been busy running on my days off and being lazy afterwards and new customer at work is testing my patience but I am strong. Keep telling myself growing pains, new customer, growing pains.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well, I nominated you for another award. It’s the “Blogger Appreciation Award” at joy by the warmth of appreciation. It comes with no obligation but know, I appreciate you very much and I miss your blogging face when it is absent. At the same time, enjoy the natural world, the movement of running, and know every conflict you endure helps you to know yourself and God better. You have a purpose and the world is better because you are in it.

        Liked by 1 person

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